Our Canoes

Manu o Kū - “White tern sea bird”

Noio - “Black noddy tern sea bird”

'Iwakeli'i - "Chiefly/noble frigate sea bird" 

Pueo - “Hawaiian short-eared owl”

The sea birds were very important to early Hawaiian navigators. When they would spot these birds at sea, this was an indication of land. Ocean voyagers used the birds to navigate because they fly out to sea in the morning to feed, returning to land at night. Navigators would reach land by going in the direction the birds were coming from in the morning and then follow them back to land at night.

In Hawaiian tradition, the short-eared owl is very important and revered, considered one of the most common aumakua (ancestor spirit). Aumakua are believed to be the spirits of ancestors who have passed on, returning in the shape of animals to guide and protect their living descendants.

Using bird names for all our canoes bring to life the characteristics of our club, our members, and our connection to the Hawaiian culture in which outrigger canoe paddling originates. While we have navigator birds to show us the way out and back in from the water, the pueo canoe serves as our protector. These canoes will protect their paddlers, soar strong and graceful, and will always return home at the end of the day.